by Chris Widener A subscriber recently wrote to me and asked me to consider this common phrase – Once in a Lifetime. “Isn’t every moment of our lives, once in a lifetime?” he asked. Touché! Indeed, he is correct. Every moment of our lives is the last chance we get to live that moment. What happens though is that we …
Surefire Ways to Develop a Thankful Attitude
by Chris Widener Spend some time thinking about how good you have it. We know this, but we don’t often spend time pondering it. Doing so will shape and mold your attitude and develop healthy thought patterns that will make you more thankful all of the time. As the old hymn goes, “Count Your Blessings, Name Them One By One.” …
There are No Guarantees
by Chris Widener I just read the following story in the Washington Post about four members of a Forbes 400 list: “Four of last year’s billionaires were wiped out entirely – Swiss shareholder activist Martin Ebner, German media tycoon Leo Kirch, Brazilian television mogul Roberto Marinho and Turkish banker Mehmet Karamehmet.” Amazing. One year you have over one billion dollars …
What Happens When You Think and Act Big
by Chris Widener There are a lot of people out there who wish big things would happen to them. They want the big career, they want the big sales, they want the big deals. For most of them however, these things will never be more than a wish. You know, you have heard them, “I wish that I would…” And …
Sheila Murray Bethel, Ph.D.
Dr. Sheila Murray Bethel has helped organizations, leaders and people around the world answer these questions, and she will do the same for you. Together you will take a fresh look at your tried and true concepts, put them through a new filter, then update and align them with your current challenges and opportunities. Her messages are timely, relevant, and …
Where’s the Tent?
Sheila Murray Bethel, Ph.D. Four friends of mine went fishing in a wild and beautiful national park. They found a perfect campsite in a pine grove next to a river that positively shimmered with fishing promise. As fast as they could, they set up their big four-person tent, stowed their belongings, and set off eagerly down the riverbank with their …
Your Attitude – You Choose
Chris Widener There are lots of things in this life that we don’t get to choose. On the other hand, there are lots of thing in this life that we do get to choose. Our attitude is one of the things that we get to choose. Nobody else lives inside our brain. Nobody else controls what or how we think. …
Embracing Adversity
Chris Widener “Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” Lou Holtz Success in life depends upon being strong people with clear goals and indomitable spirits. Unfortunately most of us aren’t born that way. We grow that way. And that growth can either come from us entering willfully into situations that …
Embracing Adversity for Achievement
Chris Widener “Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” Lou Holtz Success in life depends upon being strong people with clear goals and indomitable spirits. Unfortunately most of us aren’t born that way. We grow that way. And that growth can either come from us entering willfully into situations that …
Embracing Adversity for Achievement
Chris Widener “Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” Lou Holtz Success in life depends upon being strong people with clear goals and indomitable spirits. Unfortunately most of us aren’t born that way. We grow that way. And that growth can either come from us entering willfully into situations that …