The Hero’s Journey: Everything You Need To Know

The hero’s journey is used in books and films to keep the reader on the edge of their seat, waiting to see what happens next. This popular writing structure was developed by Joseph Campbell, a successful American editor, and author. In this article, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about the hero’s journey. You’ll learn about …

How to Write an Author Bio

What is the purpose of an author bio? When picking a novel off of the shelves, every reader needs to be convinced within the first fifteen seconds that it is a book they must purchase. A compelling book description certainly aids in that, but the description alone can’t convince a prospective buyer that you are a reliable author worth listening …

How Much do Authors Make? An Honest Look

Many people believe being an author is a low-paying job; however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Many different factors come into play such as the type of content produced, networking skills, and the internet. In this article, we are going to discuss how much authors make. We will also look at some ways to increase your earnings as …

Amazon Advertising – How authors can make sense of a Sales Report

If you don’t know by now, Amazon advertising is the most powerful ecommerce engine available to consumers and retailers alike.  In a typical month, Amazon can get up to 3 billion visits. Even though not every 3 billion visitors are looking for books, stop and think about how absolutely staggering that number is. At Made for Success, we are focused …

side income

Make Extra Money With Your “Extra” Skills

(The following is a guest post provided by Stephanie Haywood at If you find yourself looking for work outside of your regular job so you can make extra money on the side or replace lost income, you should take stock of your skills. Many people don’t realize they have marketable skills — it’s all about finding out what you’re …

low book sales

Low Book Sales? Top 10 Tips on How to Sell More Books

Low book sales? Never fear, we can teach you how to sell more books. Or rather, we can teach you to set yourself up for the maximal level of book sales that your published work can achieve. All too commonly, self-published authors step into the fray expecting meteoric book sales upon launch. Even with modest expectations and a great work …

How to Write a Foreword in Four Simple Steps

Knowing how to write the Foreword of a non-fiction book can be an incredibly important key to your success as an author. Leveraging the name of a celebrity author on a book cover or featuring the name of a leader of a Fortune 500 company will open up opportunities for the author and lend additional credibility to the book. When …

how to become a public speaker

How to Become a Public Speaker – The Right Way

There are many reasons that drive people to want to become a published author. Perhaps it’s sharing their wisdom, leaving a legacy, or demonstrating credibility in their field. One common purpose that we’ve seen authors share over and over is the desire to become a public speaker. Becoming a motivational public speaker can be its own type of reward for …

writing goals

Writing Goals the Made for Success Way

Writing goals are the kinds of goals that keep an author on track with their writing, and make sure that they’re able to achieve their book publishing goals.