A brand serves as an important placeholder for your company’s reputation. This means good business for you and peace of mind for your customers. When people have a good experience with a brand, they’re more likely to make a repeat purchase. In other words, they become brand loyal, even when given the choice to buy a competing product. This leads …
The Inclusion/Exclusion Principle of Branding
When did you attend your last professional networking event? It was probably not too long ago. From holiday parties to corporate mixers, we’ve all been there. Mixing and mingling is what it’s all about, getting to know interesting looking people around us, meeting new colleagues, letting our hair down and finding glamorous new opportunities. Ah, what an exciting concept! But …
Could Your Brand Inspire A Gold Rush?
Have you ever experienced the frenzy of a gold rush? I have, so let me tell you a story of what it is like to experience the exhilaration of a gold rush! My experience was not a gold rush in the traditional sense. You see, a traditional gold rush looks like this… I live in Seattle which has roots in …
Integrity-Who is Watching?
Integrity means aligning your actions to be consistent with your internal framework of principles. Integrity is a state of wholeness. This is a good thing. It makes for happy circumstances. The power of Integrity is evident when you realize that everything you do and say is guided by this internal framework. When you recognize it as the yardstick that gauges …
Did You Say What I think You Said!?
As a leader, you’ve probably heard lots of talk about empowering others. It’s a great concept, but when you get right down to it, there’s little evidence that it’s actually happening whenever it really is happening. Even more important, there are times when the leader’s job is to, uh… y’know – LEAD. As a leader, you’re privy to a lot …
RESPECT – Find Out What it Means to Me
If we asked Aretha Franklin’s advice on leadership, what would she say? “RESPECT, that is what it means to me. Just a little respect, just a little bit!” Respect is a funny thing, especially as it relates to Leadership roles. Some people offer their respect to everyone they meet, freely and gladly. They live by the credo, “My respect is …
Leadership and Effectiveness – The 7 C’s of Getting Results
by Bryan Heathman Have you ever been cornered into buying something you didn’t really want? If you’re like most people, you’ve stocked your cupboards with more than your fair share of Girl Scout Cookies and other non-essentials sold door to door by smiling, big-eyed neighbor kids. It’s almost impossible to resist. Time and again, people in cultures around the world …
Vision, Plan, Action!
Where are you getting stuck? Well, here’s how to get UN-stuck. Are your goals BIG enough? Clear enough? Compelling enough? Setting and Achieving Big Goals needs Vision, Plans and Action. Clarifying and deciding to create a Big Vision, clearly written goals with plans to achieve them, and solid strategies for obstacles, solutions and actions are the key. Are you getting …
The Goals Program by Zig Ziglar: Setting and Achieving Your Goals
The Zig Ziglar Goals Program on Setting and Achieving Your Goals is Zig’s most principle-packed seminar to date for personal and professional development. In this timeless program, you’ll learn Zig’s trusted methods to living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life. The Goals Program offers a balanced blend of personal development tools that are sure to jump start, strengthen and positively …
BIG Goals System
The Masters of Goal Setting on Achieving Success Have you noticed that people who regularly set goals are happier and healthier than the rest of the people you know? Understand why this is and how YOU can do it, as Zig Ziglar guides you through one of the world’s most popular goal achieving systems. This Goals product is a collection …